The Tamper-Proof Drain System from AWI Manufacturing features our innovative Quick Lock Magnetic Locking System.

Designed with stainless steel construction, this system ensures the highest standards of safety and hygiene. The unique key design minimizes the risk of being lost or misplaced, providing an added layer of security. With the locking strainer feature, you have complete control over what goes down your drains, preventing unwanted materials from causing blockages. This system is ideal for maintaining a clean and efficient operation, ensuring only authorized access and optimal functionality in your drainage.

Trust AWI to keep your processes secure and streamlined.

Locking Secondary Strainer

Specialized Key for Quick Unlocks

Our magnetic lock system can be incorporated into many of our drain designs, including:

  • Standard Area Drains
  • Trench Drains
  • Floor Sinks
  • Slot Drains

Contact your sales representative for more detail.